Steven Universe: Connie's Depression

Have you ever watched Steven Universe, well, I did. I never want to watch that damn show again. Not after what happened recently. A new episode was being shown on cartoon network. You may know it as Mindful Eduction. The episode was about connie accidentally hurting a kid in her school, and garnet and steven try to help her calm down. Well, the episode once had a darker turn during development. During the time of the episode, I noticed Rebecca Sugar twitching a lot. I was really worried about her, so I asked her what went wrong. She simply said, "Never again...," before walking out. I decided to check up on the new episode. The staff seemed really worried about Rebecca. They started questioning her, and most of them were tearing up. I wondered why, and they told me to watch what she made earlier that day. I agreed, and watched it.
The episode was called, "Connie's Depression." I immediately knew something was up. I decided to watch it, because it may contain the answer to rebecca's weird behaviour. It was the same as Mindful Eduction, except near the end. In this alternate version, connie goes back to her house, and locks the door. Steven looks extremely worried, and tried to get in. Steven hears a loud bang inside of the house. He quickly breaks a window and checks inside. Connie. Blew. Her fucking brains out. I wanted to puke and cry, but I couldn't. I wanted to see what this fucked up thing was. Steven started to cry. He even puked on the floor. Connie's mother arrived home too, and she did the same. Steven picked up the shotgun, and loaded it. He finally shot himself, but before he did, he said, "NEVER.... AGAIN..." Rebecca saw a friend commit suicide earlier today, and wanted to release her inner depression and sadness into that damn ending. I quit the job right after, and told them to never call me again.